
Register now for NX Filtration and Recolab event

This event focused on the revolutionary water recycling process that was being implemented by the city of Helsingborg. It took place at Recolab, the city’s innovative facility for the refinement and testing of new water recycling technologies, on Thursday, June 8th, 2023.

RecoLab: World's largest source-separated sanitation plant in Sweden
We are pleased to inform you that the presentations from the recent Recolab event are now available for request. This event focused on the revolutionary water recycling process implemented by the city of Helsingborg. If you missed the event or would like to review the insightful presentations, please fill out the form below to gain access:

The event showcased the Helsingborg circular sanitation process, a fully energy-efficient system that separates blackwater, greywater, and food waste through separate pipelines. This innovative approach allows for the recovery of valuable nutrients, the production of biogas, and the recycling of wastewater to drinking water quality. The main objective of this system is to maximize water recovery, ensuring the sustainable use of this precious resource.

Over the next 3-5 years, the city of Helsingborg has ambitious plans to expand its water recycling plant, further refining the re-use process for the high-quality recovered water. Recolab, the city's cutting-edge facility for refining and testing water recycling technologies, will be at the forefront of this effort, demonstrating the latest innovations in water treatment technology.

We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to gain valuable insights into the future of water recycling and contribute to the sustainable development of our cit. Please fill out the form to access the presentations and stay updated on the progress of the Helsingborg water recycling initiative.
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Christian Beuzel