
RecoLab: World's largest source-separated sanitation plant in Sweden

NX Filtration delivered its nanofiltration membranes for the removal of micropollutants and nutrients to the RecoLab project to efficiently recycle greywater, blackwater and food waste in Helsingborg, Sweden.

“WASTEWATER PROJECT OF THE YEAR ” by GWI Global Water Awards 2022.

The customers query
The City of Helsingborg pioneers an energy-efficient, circular sanitation process that source-separates blackwater, greywater and food waste through separate pipelines to recover nutrients, produce biogas and recycle wastewater to drinking water quality. They were looking for a solution to remove micropollutants and nutrients.
Our approach
We applied our dNF40 nanofiltration membranes for the removal of micropollutants (amongst others pharmaceuticals, estrogens, micro plastics, antibiotics, and personal care products) from the wastewater after conventional activated sludge treatment to recover water of drinking quality. For this project, NX Filtration partnered with DeSaH (process design) and Jotem (membrane skid).

The result

The project sets the standard for sustainable, circular water and waste management at a local level. Treated effluent passes through our direct nanofiltration system that removes micropollutants and nutrients which are then sent to a factory to produce fertiliser pellets and treated water is directed to a nearby swimming pool. By producing biogas and fertiliser, and recycling 80% of greywater to potable standard, the project contributes to lower eutrophication, increased renewable energy output and lower water consumption. The plant also provides a model for a collaborative approach to domestic waste management between water, wastewater and energy utilities that maximises environmental sustainability.

Download product specification sheets


Robert Gerard
Water and wastewater expert

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